We are the Berlin State Association of the green party (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen). Our members come from a variety of backgrounds but share a common vision: to transform Berlin into a sustainable city with an even higher standard of living for everybody. Together, we debate and develop political positions, we run election campaigns, and we provide the personnel for public offices and mandates.
We are committed to improving ecological mobility and the protection of our climate, to equality of opportunities, sound education and care, fair wages and rents, and to clean parks and clean air. However, we also campaign against poverty and marginalisation, hate and incitement, and against barriers and discrimination. We want a diverse, open and inclusive society in which everyone has the same rights and the same opportunities, allowing them to participate equally and autonomously in society – regardless of ethnic origin, skin colour, sexual or gender identity, religion, age or disabilities.
We are committed to this at all political levels:
Would you like to get involved? Then our district associations, our state working groups or the Green Youth Berlin would love to hear from you! Are you interested in our current positions and publications? Then our press office is ready and waiting. Do you have any further questions or comments? If so, you can find your contact person at our state headquarters.
We’re also available for you offline: by telephone on 030 615 005 0, or by email on info@. gruene-berlin.de
Nina Stahr and Philmon Ghirmai
State Chairs