Dear non-elector,

14.09.11 –

With our letters we would like to support your decision-making at the Berlin City parliament elections on September 18th. Please let yourself be convinced to cast your vote for the Greens!

Your impression is, that none of the Berlin parties is representing you properly. Maybe you even think: all the parties are equal – it won’t make a difference if you’ll vote or not. But we feel we have to try to convince you that you can make the difference. Your vote is important.

The Berlin election coming up on the 18th of September 2011 is supposed to become the most interesting election since the reunification of Germany. For the first time the candidate Ms. Renate Künast of the Green Party is offering a true alternative for Berlin voters in concurrence to the governing Mayor of Berlin.

Berlin is a splendid city, but we are sure: Berlin has more to offer. It has been too long that the Senate of Berlin has rather been governing out of the good reputation of Berlin instead of good concepts. But this election is asking for the better concepts for real problem- solving politics. 

Maybe you have children attending Berlin schools. You know the problems: Lessons have been cancelled due to the lack of teachers, the school buildings are in bad condition and many young pupils are not able to speak German according to their age. Our party stands up for more teachers, for clean and safe schools and a proper way for teaching and supporting kids and teenagers. We won’t cut down expenses in the educational field.

Maybe you don’t have a job momentarily. Berlin is a main city for Hartz IV dependents. In no other of the 16 German “Länder” are more persons without work or in jobs with low payment. If we get the chance to put through our ideas, we would create 100,000 new jobs within the next five years. This would mean work as well for people with university education as well as work in the industrial field so that everyone can find a new position.

We think that only the better way of governing can make the difference for Berlin. That is the reason why the Green Party offers a mayor who would invite the citizens to take part in decision finding. There are too many examples in the former governing period that the Berlin inhabitants were informed too late and not sufficient enough. A new style of governing which would include the opinion of the involved persons instead of decision making in closed circles – that is our offer.

Make the difference and vote for better ideas and a new governing style.

Your Greens