Voting as an EU-Citizen

Eine junge Frau, deren Gesicht nicht erkennbar ist, hält eine kleine Europaflagge in der Hand. Foto: Valerii Honcharuk via Getty Images

On Sunday the 9th of June, German and EU citizens living in Germany can cast their vote in Berlin. We will show you how you can register and vote in the European Elections as an EU-Citizen living in Germany.

To be able to vote in Germany, you must be a citizen of an EU Country and have been registered in Germany for at least three months. Also, you must be at least 16 years old by June 9, 2024, to be eligble to vote in this years European Elections.

Note: On this page we explain how you can vote in Germany. You might also be able to vote in the European Elections in your home country remotely from Germany. For more information visit

How to register to vote in Germany

To vote in Germany, you will have to register at your local municipal authority, so the administration for your Berlin district. This is, for example, where you registered your current flat (Anmeldung).

To register, you will have to fill our this application form and either send it to your local municipal authority by mail or bring the form in person. Your form needs to be there latest on the 19th of May, so if you’re short on time it might be worth it to drop it off in person.

Unfortunatly, the form is only available in German. But: We have created an English document that should help you fill out all the necesarry information. We understand that can still be frustrating and want to push towards having these documents available in more languages for future elections.

Once you are registered in the voter registry, you will receive a letter from your local authority. This letter will contain all the information you need for the election.

Then, all that's left is for you to make your mark for who you believe should represent you in the Europeal Parliament. Congrats!

Additional information:

Profitez de vos droits et allez voter!

Toutes les personnes agées de 16 ans minimum et ayant une nationalité de l’un des pays de la Communauté Européene peut voter en Allemagne le 9 juin 2024 lors des élections parlementaires européenes. Si vous n‘avez pas la nationalité allemande vous devez pour cela vous assurer d‘être préalablement enregistré(e) sur les listes électorales avant le 19 Mai 2024. Cela peut se faire avec une demande que vous devez adresser par courrier à votre bureau municipal en Allemagne.

Plus d’information


Wykorzystajmy szansę i idźmy głosować!

Każdy, kto ma co najmniej 16 lat i ma obywatelstwo kraju UE, może głosować 9 czerwca 2024 w wyborach do Parlamentu Europejskiego w Niemczech. Jeśli nie jesteś obywatelem lub obywatelką Niemiec, musisz do 19 maja 2024 wpisać się do rejestru wyborców. Możesz to zrobić wysyłając pisemny wniosek do swojej gminy w Niemczech.

Więcej informacji

¡Haga uso de su derecho y vaya a votar!

Todas las personas que tengan al menos 16 años y tengan la ciudadanía de un país de la UE podrán votar en las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo en Alemania el 9 de junio de 2024. Si no es ciudadano alemán, debe estar inscrito en el censo electoral antes del 19 de mayo de 2024. Esto se puede hacer con una solicitud que debes enviar por carta a tu comunidad en Alemania.

Más información

Non perdete questa opportunitá e andate a votare!

Chiunque abbia almeno 16 anni e sia cittadino di un Paese dell’UE può votare alle elezioni del Parlamento europeo in Germania il 9 giugno 2024. Se non sei cittadino tedesco, devi iscriverti nelle liste elettorali del comune di residenza entro il 19 maggio 2024. Per farlo, è necessario inviare una domanda per lettera al tuo comune di residenza in Germania.

Altre Informazioni utili

Să vă folosiţi şansele, prezentându-vă la vot!

Orice persoană care are cel puțin 16 ani și este cetățean al unei țări din UE poate vota la alegerile pentru Parlamentul European din 9 iunie 2024 în Germania. Dacă nu sunteți cetățean german, trebuie să vă înscrieți în registrul electoral până la 19 mai 2024. Puteți face acest lucru trimițând o cerere prin scrisoare către municipalitatea din Germania de care aparțineți.

Informații suplimentare

Възползвайте се от своя шанс и отидете да гласувате!

Всички хора, които са навършили 16 годишна възраст и имат гражданство на страна от ЕС, могат да гласуват на изборите за Европейски парламент в Германия на 9 юни 2024 г. Трябва да се впишете в избирателния списък до 19 май 2024 г., ако нямате немско гражданство.

Това може да стане със заявление, което трябва да изпратите по пощата на вашата община в Германия.

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